Telehealth Visits for your Bladder, Bowels, Pelvic Floor, Core, Low Back, Hip, and Pelvic Concerns
We bring healing to you! Our mission is to guide the healing process by integrating evidence-based, specialized treatments to improve function and decrease pain. Inertia's goal is to deliver access to care in undeserved communities, Call or Text Us schedule your Telehealth Consultation. We empower patients with the knowledge, tools, and strategies to live free of dysfunction that they can utilize throughout their lifetime. In order to receive the most comprehensive, high quality care, we highly recommend you schedule your evaluation in person, and follow up appointments via telehealth. Dr. Stephanie can guide you in this process. Pelvic PT in Corpus Christi, Tx, Pelvic PT in Abilene, Tx,Pelvic PT in fredricksburg, Tx,Pelvic PT in Kerrville, Tx,Pelvic PT in Big Spring, Tx,Pelvic PT in Synder, Tx,Pelvic PT in Lamesa, Tx,Pelvic PT in Monahans, Tx,Pelvic PT in Pecos, Tx,Pelvic PT in Kermit, Tx,Pelvic PT in San Angelo, Tx,Pelvic PT in Marathon, Tx,Pelvic PT in Alpine, Tx,Pelvic PT in Fort Stockton, Tx,Pelvic PT in Sheffield, Tx,Pelvic PT in Sweetwater, Tx,Pelvic PT in Roscoe, Tx,Pelvic PT in Colorado City, Tx,Pelvic PT in Denver City, Tx,Pelvic PT in Seminole, Tx, Pelvic PT in Eldorado, Tx, Pelvic PT in Marfa, Tx, Pelvic PT in Laredo, Tx, Pelvic PT in Hebbronville, Tx, Pelvic PT in Encinal, Tx |