Do you clench your jaw at night? Do you suffer from locked jaw, or clicking when you open your mouth? Have you been told braces, botox, and night guards are your only options? If you are limiting what you are eating to mushy foods because of pain chewing, it's time!
If you are suffering from jaw or neck pain, come see Dr. Stephanie today, your treatment may include:
Temporomandibular joint disorder or dysfunction, or TMD, is a common condition that limits the natural functions of the jaw, such as opening the mouth and chewing. It currently affects more than 10 million people in the United States. It is sometimes incorrectly referred to as simply “TMJ,” which represents the name of the joint itself. TMD affects more women than men and is most often diagnosed in individuals aged 20 to 40 years. Its causes a range of problems from poor posture, chronic jaw clenching, and poor teeth alignment, to fracture or conditions such as lockjaw, where the muscles around the jaw spasm and reduce the ability of the mouth to open.
Because there are a variety of symptoms and causes linked to this diagnosis, identifying these disorders can be difficult, however, Dr. Stephanie is passionate about helping you manage your symptoms in collaboration with your dental and other health care providers! Treatments incorporated into your care may include: postural evaluation and education; manual therapy to improve joint and muscle mobility; therapeutic exercises to strengthen the muscles of the jaw and neck region; pain management, utilizing modalities such joint mobilization, soft tissues releases to decrease trigger points, muscle spasm, as well as relaxation techniques.
Because there are a variety of symptoms and causes linked to this diagnosis, identifying these disorders can be difficult, however, Dr. Stephanie is passionate about helping you manage your symptoms in collaboration with your dental and other health care providers! Treatments incorporated into your care may include: postural evaluation and education; manual therapy to improve joint and muscle mobility; therapeutic exercises to strengthen the muscles of the jaw and neck region; pain management, utilizing modalities such joint mobilization, soft tissues releases to decrease trigger points, muscle spasm, as well as relaxation techniques.